Alexandra Samios Nelson is a non-profit management specialist and grant writer, poet, and visual artist.

Juno Consulting

Common sense consulting on grants, fundraising, management, planning and start up support for small and mid-sized non-profits. I help artists and others save the world. If you need me to help you save the world, or your little corner of it, with common sense advice on non-profit fundraising and management, Contact Me.

Visual Art & Handmade Books

I am also a Chicago artist working on themes of how society interacts with women. Originally working strictly in visual media under the name Alex Nelson, I specialized in works on paper, with monumental works in corporate and private collections throughout the Chicago area as well as numerous one-person and group shows.


As a visual as well as word artist, I’ve always been drawn to ekphrasis, the textualization of the visual. I work often from prompts, setting them myself, from friends, from online poetry communities, or using visual works—my own or friends’. I strive to evoke memories—the death of my mother, my own family’s difficult relationship with our abandoned Catholic and Orthodox faith, our immigrant roots, isolation, and politics. Many of them are true, but some are lies.